So it may not have been the most carefully planned purchase I have ever made, But when I saw this cute little Wurlitzer Spinet Piano for 150 dollars I couldn't pass it up. I had been thinking recently how a piano would be an asset to us all and how it would hopefully create a spark in these little men to want to make music of their own. So it wasn't by total whimsy that I drove to Memphis with the boys, ran my fingers down the keys, and threw down some cash (i did talk her into taking 125). I am still mostly convinced that it was the right decision. However the piano tuner came today, and with a fine tuning, unsticking of some sticky keys and replacement of one black key we are spending more than double the cost of the instrument! On another note :) We really have been enjoying it. This morning when I woke up I thought I was the first one out of bed but as I walked down the hallway I realized the doors to the living room were shut and then I began to hear soft piano music. It was Rollin! It would only have been sweeter if I had heard it while I was still lying in bed. ( I'll have to remind myself that I said that one of these mornings when he starts playing way too early) Fynn loves it too especially for climbing on and driving cars on and hiding under. He will, every now and then, sit down and gently play a few notes and, he will, every now and then, pound out a few ear rattling sounds. I am not sure yet how Tucker feels about it. I think he likes it although he would rather it be an electric piano or electric guitar for that matter, and he would like to play rock 'n' roll. I told him we could play rock 'n' roll on this one but I know he is skeptical. Thadeus has been playing around with it. So far he can play Ode to Joy, for the Turnstiles and a Merle Haggard song. I have almost mastered, Up On The Housetop, Jolly Ole St. Nicholas, heart and soul and the chord of C. I hope the enchantment with this amazing instrument will last......................
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