We woke this morning to see that it had indeed snowed.
Fynneus and I were the first ones up and we moved from window to window looking at the white on everything. It looked like we had been sprinkled with powdered sugar while we slept. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Having grown up in Michigan I have very fond memories of winters filled with Lots of snow! Sledding and skiing, snow forts, snow ball fights, ice skating and ice fishing I know that I spent hours out in the snow because fresh snow brought endless possibilities for fun. So while a
beautiful white sprinkle is pretty, it leaves
something to be desired by this snow lover. Today there was not even enough snow to sled down a good hill and we don't own a sled anyway. The boys were still excited and I got them all bundled and layered for and outdoor early morning adventure. I took the opportunity to snap a few photos and feed the chickens and I think they did have a good time. Followed by Hot chocolate and Tea for me, bacon and pancakes and eggs. It was a good morning.
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