Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tucker's Bald Eagle Dream

Tucker woke up with a smile and climbed in bed with me. I asked if he had slept well and he told me that he had. Then he began to tell me of his dream. He dreamed that I took him and showed him a bald eagle with a broken wing. He knelt down to pick it up and it did not even try to fly away. He showed me how in his dream he gently lifted it with both hands. He said after that we built a cage for it and we kept it in the cage while we fed it and cared for it and when its wing had healed we released it and it flew away.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yesterday I looked over just in time to see Fynn trying to bite kodas' toe nails!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

strong brothers

I realized today that I am really glad that I have 3 boys who are strong and stand up for themselves. And while I do feel like there is more I want to teach them about the importance of treating their siblings well, I am grateful that I don't have either a totally dominant bully or completely passive pushover in the family. I have seen a family with such dynamics and it is sad to witness either child in such a distinct role. So while I have great disdain for the bickering and tones I am grateful and proud that I am raising my sons to be strong, fair people who will not be walked over, even by a brother and who will not totally dominate even a brother.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hoopin' T-man Style

Hoopin' Rolli Style

I am pretty sure that at dinner last night Tucker and Rollin were creating a plot to rob a bank so that Thadeus didn't have to work anymore. However the word "rob" is not yet in their vocabulary so it was interesting to hear them concoct a plan in their own words. It started simply because they were missing Thadeus and they agreed that the bank is where the money is. They are so sweet (in a criminal kind of way of course).