Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

I was in the kitchen this morning starting breakfast when Fynn came in and said "hey who gets the red plate?"  Tucker told him it was for daddy and I reminded him that it was fathers day. "Oh" he said " can we make him bread and breakfast?" (which translates to Bed and breakfast, which actually means breakfast in bed.) I agreed of course cause I was already working on it. Then he said "oooh can I get his drink?" I agreed again and he began to wander excitedly around the kitchen saying "hmmm what should I get him? what should I get him?" The he paused suddenly, spun around  and pointing a finger at me said "I know! Beer!!"  Then he looked really confused and asked "do you think he would like beer right now?"  I explained that Thadeus had to work today so beer was probably not the best choice. He served him Kombucha tea instead!

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